Sunday, December 7, 2008

Advice to Spring 2009 Students

If you are taking English 304 next semester, you don't really need to know that much going in but I do have some advice...

1. Client based project- PICK A GOOD GROUP! If your group isn't good, you'll have such a hard time getting this project to come together. I know my roommates and I all dread going to group meeting when our groups for class have slackers and don't get along. My group was fabulous for this class and we all got along so it was easy to get together and work on our project.
2. Utilize class time- Angie gives time in class to do work and if you have time to work on something, why not use it and avoid doing it later? If you do this you'll have little to no homework and hardly anything to do outside of class.
3. Keep up with blogs- You have a whole week to do these but it's easy to put off doing them until Sunday when you might forget (aka like I almost did today). You're better off doing these when you get class time so you don't forget. These are easy to do and easy grades so make sure you don't forget to do them.
4. Check the class website- the class website has a to-do list that tells you what to do for the entire week so you never forget whats due or whats going on in class. This has saved me so many times when I have forgot what I needed to bring to class or what was happening in class.
5. Extra credit- Angie has a bunch of ways to help your grade out if it is faltering, don't forget about these. She gives extra points for commenting on other people's blogs which may feel weird to do but everyone knows that it's extra credit so why not? Also, in our class, if we attended this presentation by the english department we got extra credit plus we could write that we did a professional presentation on our vita for grad school so it was even better.

I hope these tips help, and with this you should have no problem getting the grade you want :) Have a good semester!

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