Friday, September 5, 2008

10 years from now...

I know this is sounds so predictable but in ten years time I want to be married and have had a least one child. I want to be living in or near Charleston, South Carolina and be settled. By settled I mean house, stable job, etc. I'm not sure right now what I want to do for work so I have no idea what my job will be in ten years but hopefully something I love and enjoy doing. I don't want to be trapped in a job I hate because I need the money. Life is too short to be miserable in what you do. If I am in a job I don't like, I hope that by then I will have the guts to look for a job that might not be as well paying but at least something I enjoy. Originally I wanted to be a doctor or a nurse so maybe by the time I'm thirty I can go back to nursing school and get that degree. Honestly I have no idea what I want to be by the time I'm thirty but I do know that I want to be happy and healthy.

1 comment:

S Linder said...

I think that you definitely should go back for your nursing degree. I know that's what you want to do. But I agree that I want to be settled by the time I'm thirty. I want to be married with children and a successful career. Dream Big!